Git & GitHub Commands

1. Initializing a Git Repository

  • git init
    Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.

      git init
  • git clone [repository URL]
    Clones a remote Git repository to your local machine.

      git clone

2. Basic Snapshotting (Staging & Committing)

  • git status
    Shows the current status of your working directory (tracked files, untracked files, etc.).

      git status
  • git add [file]
    Adds changes to the staging area.

      git add file.txt
  • git add .
    Stages all changes in the current directory.

      git add .
  • git commit -m "[message]"
    Commits staged changes with a descriptive message.

      git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • git commit --amend
    Modifies the previous commit message or adds changes to the last commit.

      git commit --amend -m "Updated commit message"

3. Branching & Merging

  • git branch [branch-name]
    Creates a new branch.

      git branch feature-branch
  • git checkout [branch-name]
    Switches to a different branch.

      git checkout feature-branch
  • git checkout -b [branch-name]
    Creates a new branch and switches to it immediately.

      git checkout -b new-feature
  • git merge [branch-name]
    Merges changes from the specified branch into the current branch.

      git merge feature-branch
  • git branch -d [branch-name]
    Deletes a local branch that has been merged.

      git branch -d feature-branch
  • git branch -D [branch-name]
    Force deletes a branch (even if unmerged).

      git branch -D old-branch

4. Working with Remotes (GitHub)

  • git remote add origin [repository URL]
    Links your local repository to a remote repository.

      git remote add origin
  • git push origin [branch-name]
    Pushes the current branch to the remote repository.

      git push origin main
  • git pull origin [branch-name]
    Fetches and merges changes from the remote branch to your current branch.

      git pull origin main
  • git push origin --delete [branch-name]
    Deletes a branch on the remote repository.

      git push origin --delete feature-branch

5. Undoing Changes

  • git reset --soft [commit-hash]
    Resets the current branch to a specific commit but keeps changes in the working directory.

      git reset --soft abc123
  • git reset --hard [commit-hash]
    Resets the branch to a specific commit and discards all changes.

      git reset --hard abc123
  • git revert [commit-hash]
    Creates a new commit that undoes the changes made in the specified commit.

      git revert abc123
  • git checkout -- [file]
    Discards changes in a file and reverts it to the last commit version.

      git checkout -- file.txt
  • git stash
    Temporarily saves (stashes) your local changes without committing.

      git stash
  • git stash apply
    Re-applies stashed changes after they’ve been saved.

      git stash apply

6. Viewing History and Differences

  • git log
    Displays the commit history for the current branch.

      git log
  • git log --oneline
    Shows a condensed version of the commit history.

      git log --oneline
  • git diff
    Shows the differences between your working directory and the last commit.

      git diff
  • git blame [file]
    Shows who modified each line of a file.

      git blame file.txt

7. Working with Tags

  • git tag [tag-name]
    Creates a new tag at the current commit.

      git tag v1.0.0
  • git tag -a [tag-name] -m "[message]"
    Creates an annotated tag with a message.

      git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Version 1.0.0 release"
  • git push origin [tag-name]
    Pushes the tag to the remote repository.

      git push origin v1.0.0
  • git push origin --tags
    Pushes all tags to the remote repository.

      git push origin --tags

8. Collaboration on GitHub

  • git fork (via GitHub UI)
    Create a personal copy of someone else’s repository to your GitHub account.

  • git pull request (via GitHub UI)
    Propose changes from your branch into another repository (or branch). Used for code reviews and collaboration.

9. Advanced Git Commands

  • git rebase [branch-name]
    Reapplies commits from your current branch on top of another branch’s history, resulting in a cleaner, linear history.

      git rebase main
  • git cherry-pick [commit-hash]
    Applies a specific commit from one branch to another.

      git cherry-pick abc123
  • git reflog
    Shows a log of all changes (including resets, checkouts, etc.) made to the HEAD in your local repository.

      git reflog
  • git submodule add [repository URL] [path]
    Adds a submodule (a separate repository) inside your current project.

      git submodule add submodules/repo

10. Handling Conflicts

  • git merge [branch-name]
    Merges changes from another branch into the current branch. If there are conflicts, Git will notify you to resolve them manually.

      git merge feature-branch
  • Resolving Merge Conflicts:
    When Git finds conflicting changes during a merge, it marks the conflicting sections in your files, which look something like this:

      <<<<<<< HEAD
      Your changes
      Incoming changes
      >>>>>>> feature-branch

    After manually resolving the conflicts, you add the resolved files and commit the changes:

      git add conflicted-file.txt
      git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict"
  • git mergetool
    Launches a visual merge conflict resolution tool (if one is set up) to help resolve conflicts.

      git mergetool

11. Tracking and Managing Changes

  • git show [commit-hash]
    Displays the details and changes of a specific commit.

      git show abc123
  • git shortlog
    Summarizes git log output by author and shows how many commits each author has contributed.

      git shortlog
  • git log --author="[name]"
    Filters the commit history by a specific author.

      git log --author="John Doe"
  • git diff [branch-name]
    Compares the current branch’s differences with another branch.

      git diff main

12. Ignoring Files

  • .gitignore
    Create a .gitignore file to specify which files or directories Git should ignore. For example:

      # Ignore node_modules folder
      # Ignore all log files
  • git rm -r --cached [file/directory]
    Removes a file or directory from the staging area (but leaves it on your disk). Useful when you accidentally added a file that should be in .gitignore.

      git rm -r --cached node_modules

13. Collaboration on GitHub (Pull Requests & Reviews)

  • Forking a Repository (via GitHub UI)
    Use the Fork button on GitHub to create a copy of another user’s repository into your own account. This is useful for contributing to open-source projects.

  • Creating a Pull Request (via GitHub UI)
    After pushing your changes to a branch, create a Pull Request (PR) from your branch into the original project. In the Pull Request, other developers can review and suggest improvements before merging.

  • Assigning Reviewers (via GitHub UI)
    When you create a PR, you can assign team members to review your changes, ensuring that the code meets the project’s standards before it is merged.

14. GitHub Actions (Automation)

  • Creating a GitHub Actions Workflow:
    You can create automated workflows in GitHub using GitHub Actions. Here's how to set up a basic CI/CD pipeline:

    1. Create a file at .github/workflows/ci.yml.

    2. Add the following example content to automatically run tests when you push code:

       name: CI
             - main
             - main
           runs-on: ubuntu-latest
             - uses: actions/checkout@v2
             - name: Run tests
               run: npm test
  • Triggering GitHub Actions Manually:
    You can trigger actions manually from the GitHub UI for tasks like deployments or maintenance workflows. This is helpful for one-time or scheduled tasks.

15. Tagging for Releases

  • git tag -a [tag-name] -m "[message]"
    Creates an annotated tag for marking important releases or versions.

      git tag -a v2.0.0 -m "Version 2.0.0 release"
  • git push origin [tag-name]
    Pushes a tag to the remote repository (e.g., pushing a release tag).

      git push origin v2.0.0
  • git push origin --tags
    Pushes all local tags to the remote repository.

      git push origin --tags
  • Deleting a Tag:

    • Locally: git tag -d [tag-name]

    • Remotely: git push origin --delete [tag-name]

16. Rebasing

  • git rebase [branch-name]
    Reapplies commits from your current branch on top of another branch’s commits. This is useful for keeping a clean, linear commit history.

      git rebase main
  • git rebase --interactive [commit-hash]
    Allows you to interactively edit commit history. You can squash, reorder, or modify commit messages.

      git rebase -i HEAD~3

17. Stashing and Temporary Changes

  • git stash
    Temporarily saves your changes without committing them. This is helpful when you need to switch branches but don't want to commit unfinished work.

      git stash
  • git stash list
    Shows a list of all stashes that you have saved.

      git stash list
  • git stash pop
    Applies the most recent stash and removes it from the stash list.

      git stash pop
  • git stash apply
    Applies a stash but keeps it in the stash list, allowing you to reapply it later.

      git stash apply
  • git stash drop
    Deletes a specific stash from the stash list.

      git stash drop stash@{0}

18. Submodules

  • git submodule add [repository-url] [path]
    Adds a Git submodule to your repository. Submodules are external Git repositories included in your project.

      git submodule add submodules/repo
  • git submodule update --init --recursive
    Updates all submodules to match the versions specified in the main repository and initializes any that are not already set up.

      git submodule update --init --recursive
  • git submodule foreach git pull origin master
    Runs a command in each submodule. For example, this updates all submodules.

      git submodule foreach git pull origin main

19. Recovering and Fixing Mistakes

  • git reflog
    Shows a log of where HEAD has been, including things like resets and branch checkouts. It’s useful for recovering lost commits.

      git reflog
  • git reset [commit-hash]
    Moves the current branch to the specified commit. You can use --soft to keep changes or --hard to discard them.

      git reset --soft abc123
  • git checkout [commit-hash] -- [file]
    Reverts a file back to its state in a previous commit without affecting other files.

      git checkout abc123 -- file.txt

20. Collaboration and Teamwork

  • git fetch
    Downloads changes from the remote repository but doesn’t merge them into your current branch.

      git fetch origin
  • git pull --rebase
    Fetches changes and then rebases your local commits on top of the fetched changes. This avoids unnecessary merge commits.

      git pull --rebase origin main
  • git blame [file]
    Shows who last modified each line of a file, useful for tracking changes and understanding the context of code.

      git blame file.txt